Col. Kuklinski report - December 1, 1980
At a meeting with the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, in accordance
with orders from Gen. Jaruzelski's Defense Ministry, Gen. Hupalowski and
Col. Puchala endorsed a plan to admit into Poland (under the pretext of
maneuvers) the Soviet Army (SA), the National People's Army of the GDR (NVA),
and the Czechoslovak People's Army (CLA). Documents and reproduced portions
of the plans [for joint intervention] were presented to show that the
following forces are to be sent into Poland: three armies comprising 15 SA
divisions, one army comprising two CLA divisions, and the staff of one army
and one division from the NVA. In total, the intervening group initially
will consist of 18 divisions. (A state of readiness to cross the Polish
borders was set for 8 December.) At present, representatives from the
"fraternal armies," dressed in civilian clothing, are undertaking
reconnaissance of invasion routes as well as the distances and terrain for
future operations. The scenario of operations for the intervening armies
envisages a regrouping of armies to all major Polish Army bases to conduct
maneuvers with live ammunition. Then, depending on how things develop, all
major Polish cities, especially industrial cities, are to be sealed off.
According to the plan of the USSR Armed Forces According to the plan of the
USSR Armed Forces General Staff, the Polish Army will remain within its
permanent units while its "allies" are regrouping on Polish territory. The
only exceptions will be supervisory officers and military traffic control
units, which will ensure a collision-free regrouping of the SA, CLA, and NVA
armies from the border to the territories of future operations. Four Polish
divisions (the 5th and 2nd Tank Divisions and the 4th and 12th Mechanized
Divisions) will be called into operation at a later point.
Finally, I very much regret to say that although everyone who has seen the
plans (a very restricted group of people) is very depressed and crestfallen,
no one is even contemplating putting up active resistance against the Warsaw
Pact action. There are even those (Jasinski, Puchala) who say that the very
presence of such enormous military forces on the territory of Poland may
calm the nation.