Col. Kuklinski report - September 15, 1981
20:30, 15 September 1981
At an extraordinary session of the KOK on Sunday, which Kania attended for
the first time, no final decision was made about the imposition of martial
law. Almost all of the participants supported it. It seems that the tenor of
the meeting surprised Kania. Although he did not question that such a
development was inevitable, he reportedly said, in these precise words, that
"a confrontation with the class enemy is unavoidable. This involves first a
struggle using political means, but if that should fail, repression may be
adopted." Note-taking was forbidden at the session. During the KOK's
meeting, Kiszczak declared that Solidarity knew the details of our plans,
including Operation "Wiosna" and its secret codename. I should emphasize
that this is a codename— the secret title of the operation—and not the
codeword needed to put it into effect. The officials responsible for
implementing the plans don't know the codename; hence, it will be easy to
compile a group of suspects. (The MSW was given urgent orders to find the
source.) The first steps have already been taken. Except for Szklarski and
me, everyone was excluded in operational directives from the planning. A
counterintelligence officer visited Szklarski and me yesterday. He spoke
about ways of preventing future leaks. At present, Jasinski has taken
command of planning at the national level. Szklarski has temporarily
withdrawn. Since this morning we have been working, under Jasinski's
supervision and in cooperation with a PUWP CC official, with the KOK
Secretariat, with the KPPRM, and with Pawlikowski from MSW, on a unified
plan of command for the surprise introduction of martial law. The document
is still being put together, so I am unable to give a detailed account of
it. (I proposed a break so that I could send this telegram.) In brief,
martial law will be introduced at night, either between Friday and a
work-free Saturday or between Saturday and Sunday, when industrial plants
will be closed. Arrests will begin around midnight, six hours before an
announcement of martial law is broadcast over the radio and television.
Roughly 600 people will be arrested in Warsaw, which will require the use of
around 1,000 police in unmarked cars. That same night, the army will seal
off the most important areas of Warsaw and other major cities. Initially,
only the MSW's forces will take part. A separate political decision will be
made about "improving the deployment of armies," that is, redeploying entire
divisions to major cities. This will be done only if reports come in about
larger pockets of unrest. One cannot rule out, however, that redeployments
of divisions based far away from the areas of future operations will
commence with the introduction of martial law or even earlier. For example,
it would take roughly 54 hours to redeploy the 4th Mechanized Division to
the vicinity of Warsaw.
Because the investigation is proceeding, I will have to forgo my daily
reports about current developments. Please treat with caution the
information I am conveying to you, since it appears that my mission is
coming to an end. The nature of the information makes it quite easy to
detect the source. I do not object to, and indeed welcome, having the
information I have conveyed serve those who fight for the freedom of Poland
with their heads raised high. I am prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice,
but the best way to achieve something is with our actions and not with our
Long live free Poland!
Long live Solidarity, which brings freedom to all oppressed nations!